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Displaying episodes 1 - 10 of 10 in total

Are Church Folk Strange?

Bible thumpers. Jesus junkies. Though proclaimers of John 3:16 love for the world, Christians are known for over-the-top antics, controversial beliefs and hurtful acti...

Ageism — The Discrimination We Accept

Ageism may still be the last frontier in acceptable discrimination and American beauty standards can play a big part. It has folks slathering their faces with special ...

Being the “Other” in the Workplace

The American workplace. Often these spaces are a hotbed of bad behavior and for those considered the “other,” uncultured thinking, microaggressions, gaslighting, and e...

The Quiet Power of Introverts

Being reserved, quiet or shy is often seen as negative or a trait that holds less value compared to being bold and boisterous. Ever heard of the phrase “watch out for...

Black Enough

Those in the black community that don’t always fit the labels considered hallmarks of the “culture” can often feel the brunt of criticism and feel disconnected from th...

Is Celibacy Outdated? (Peculiar Dating Series, Part II)

Celibacy is an ancient practice but in today’s sex-saturated society, it seems more and more unnecessary to many. Has abstinence become an antiquated and irrelevant id...

Single and Over It (Peculiar Dating Series, Part I)

Being single can seem fun for awhile, but eventually it can lose its luster and lead to feeling like an outsider in a romance-obsessed world. For those anxious to meet...

Who Cares for the Caregiver? (Part 2 of Mental Wellness Series)

This week, we conclude the discussion of the two-part mental wellness series by discussing mental health for caregivers, an often-forgotten portion of the population t...

The Gift of Mental Health (Part 1 of Mental Wellness Series)

Today's episode is part one in a two-part series discussing mental wellness, the stigma it still carries, the impact it has personally and how to normalize the convers...

A Black Girl in the Ad World

In today's debut episode, we discuss being a person of color in the advertising industry and in the work world. We also talk a little bit about the theme of the show b...

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